The Healing Power of Touch --
And Seven Ways to Get More of It
For you it may be a back rub or a foot massage given by your
spouse. Or you may love hugging your kids when they come home
from school, or even snuggling up next to your pooch.

Much of the healing power of touch has been linked
to decreases in your body's stress hormones.
Whatever way you love to get it, physical touch should be
an integral part of your life.
It's well-known, for instance, that babies who have skin-to-skin
contact with their mother have better physical development
and positive bonding.
The evidence on this is really astounding. Consider a study
of Korean infants raised in an orphanage. The children who
received an extra 15 minutes of a female voice, massage and
eye-to-eye contact, five days a week for four weeks gained
more weight, had greater increases in body length and head
circumferences after the four weeks and at 6 months of age
than children without the extra stimulation.
We need physical touch not only as babies, but also as adults.
Studies have shown that therapeutic touch benefits adults
in the following ways:
Reduces stress (touching releases two feel-good brain
chemicals, serotonin and dopamine)
Lessens pain
Reduces symptoms of Alzheimer's disease such as restlessness,
pacing, vocalization, searching and tapping
How to Get More "Touch" Into Your Life
In the United States, many people reserve touching for their
partner or spouse, and do it only in private. But even among
couples, those in the United States aren't very "touch
In fact, French couples spend three times more time touching
than American couples, according to studies by Tiffany Field
of the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of
Miami Medical School.
Of course, you also need physical touch even if you're single.
Fortunately, romantic touching is only one of the many ways
for you to get more touch into your life. The following methods
can be used by anyone, at any stage of life, and whether you're
single, married or somewhere in between.
1. Get a Massage
therapy decreases stress hormones in your body, and according
to TRI this may result in:
Diminished pain from fibromyalgia and other sources
Enhanced growth in pre-term infants
Decreased autoimmune problems including better pulmonary
function in asthma and lower glucose levels in diabetes
Enhanced immune function including increased natural
killer cells that help fight HIV and cancer
Enhanced alertness and performance
If you're giving or getting a massage at home, Surgeon's
Skin Secret Moisturizing Sticks make a great, non-greasy
massage oil that are completely natural (they contain only
beeswax, lanolin and light mineral oil). Plus they come in
eight delectable scents (we especially love the Light Lavender,
Honey & Almond, and Berry scents).
2. Hug Someone
A study by University of North Carolina researchers found
that hugs
increase the "bonding" hormone oxytocin and
decrease your risk of heart disease.
In fact, when couples hugged for 20 seconds, their levels
of oxytocin, released during childbirth and breastfeeding,
increased. Those in loving relationships had the highest increases,
but that shouldn't stop you from hugging your more distant
friends and acquaintances as well if the opportunity arises!
3. Go Out Dancing
dancing, the kind done cheek-to-cheek with your partner,
gives you double benefits: those from touch and also from
the physical activity.
Mayo Clinic researchers reported that social dancing helps
4. Get a Manicure or Pedicure
Almost all manicures and pedicures include a hand massage
or foot massage. This will give you all the benefits of a
full-body massage, but concentrate on two areas of your body
that work really hard, yet are rarely given individual attention.
Guys, you can do this one too!

Hugging increases bonding and even reduces your risk
of heart disease!
5. Pet an Animal
Whether it's your own pet, or a friend's, petting an animal
will take your mind off your worries and generally make you
feel good. If you want to go a step further, owning
a pet (and therefore getting to cuddle with it whenever
you want), has been found to:
Reduce depression
Lower stress
Improve your exercise habits
Lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Lessen feelings of loneliness
6. Hold Hands
A 2006 study in Psychological Science found that holding
hands calms nerves and provides relief from stress. The effect
is strongest among happily married couples, but even holding
a stranger's hand provided some stress relief.
7. Try Reiki
is a hands-on Japanese healing technique in which a practitioner
channels healing energy through their hands and into your
body. Reiki:
Helps relieve pain
Eases the symptoms of depression and anxiety
Alleviates the symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis,
lupus, fibromyalgia and thyroid goiter
Promotes better sleep
Reduces blood pressure
Recommended Reading
Amazing Benefits of Massage and Different Types of Massage
Serious Health Risks of Loneliness & The Healing Power
of Friendship
Science Volume 17 Issue 12 Page 1032-1039, December 2006
Medicine 2005 Jul-Aug;67(4):531-8
Research Institute