Want to Stop Overpaying the Government Thousands of Dollars for Good? by SixWise.com
put it in the most straightforward terms possible: if you don't read Lower
Your Taxes -- Big Time: Wealth-Building, Tax-Reduction Secrets from an
IRS Insider as soon as possible in 2005, you will likely end up paying
the government hundreds or even thousands of dollars in taxes that should
have been yours to keep.
by a former IRS tax attorney and senior tax law specialist, Sandy Botkin,
CPA, Esq., Lower Your Taxes -- Big Time is one of the smartest
under-twenty-dollar investments (in fact under $12 right now!) anyone
could possibly make. The key is to read it as soon as possible in the
New Year so you can start implementing the many tax-saving, money-making
secrets the book exposes right away. In this case, it really is a matter
of the longer you wait, the more you could lose...
Tax-Saving Secrets of the Rich ... Now At Your Fingertips!
Unless you are a tax expert already, it is difficult to imagine anyone
NOT saving some serious money on taxes with all the secrets this book
in case you are wondering...

Most Americans Overpay
Extensively on Their Taxes. Learn
Every Legal and Legitimate Secret
to Save Hundreds to Thousands in
2005 on YOUR Taxes with this #1
Must-Read Book (available at an exceptional price now)!
More & Order Now.
single tactic is fully legitimate, legal and ethical -- it is simply
that these secrets are so buried in the massive and convoluted tax codes
that, up until now, only the wealthy could afford to hire someone with
Botkin's level of skills and expertise to unravel them.
that note, if you think "my accountant already takes care of your
taxes," you will likely be in for a major surprise -- just as most
typical physicians don't know half of what you need to know to improve
your health, most accountants, while adequate, are not familiar with
many of these secrets. They are busy people, so it's not necessarily
their fault, but if you know of any tax accountants make sure to recommend
this book to them, too! They will learn, and you will learn, strategies
such as:
Sampling of the Secrets You Will Learn in "Lower Your Taxes --
Big Time!"
- How
to Deduct Nearly Every Meal You Eat Out
- How
to (Easily) Turn Your Vacations into Tax Deductible Write Offs
- How
to Deduct All of the Equipment in Your Home for Business -- Even If
You Never Claim a Home Office Deduction!
- How
to Entertain Yourself & Others and Get Major Tax Savings for It!
- Eliminate
Up to 40% of Your Social Security and Medicaid Tax
- The
8 Ways to Dramatically Reduce the Chances of Ever Getting Audited
- How
to Get Deductions for Feeding and Entertaining Your Spouse!
- Why
Hosting Parties Can be One of the Smartest Investments You Make
- How
to Double-Deduct All of the Equipment You Use in Your Business and
Protect it All from Legal Judgments Forever
- Why
the RIGHT Home Office Deduction is a Gold-Mine that Alone Can Earn
you $14,000 Every Five Years
- How
to Have Your Saturdays and Sundays Treated as Business Days by the
IRS ... without You Working on Them!
- How
to Keep Expanding Your Education and Write It All Off
- Why
Hiring Your Spouse is One of the Smartest Moves You Could Make ...
and You Don't Even Have to Work Closely With Them if You Don't Want!
- How
to Use the "Sale-Leaseback Technique" to Give Some Major
Benefits to Your Children
- How
to Use TWO or More Cars in Your Business to Generate MUCH LARGER Tax
- Understand
ALL of Your Rights if You Ever are Audited, and How to Use Them Properly
... Including the Key 15 Steps You Should Take
all of these above are just a sampling from Part 1 of Lower Your Taxes
-- Big Time! There are a total of four parts to the book, all of them
remarkably useful! (Part 3, "Every Fringe Benefit Available to
Small and Home-Based Businesses," provides an extremely useful
at-a-glance chart of tax savings that is worth copying, printing out,
and reviewing routinely to save yourself major $$)
recommends the insights in Lower
Your Taxes -- Big Time! so highly that we are tempted to reprint
all of the secrets for you right here ... but McGraw-Hill, the publisher,
would of course not appreciate that.
again, to start 2005, we cannot urge you strongly enough to read this
remarkable book that really can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars!
Of the many (many, many!) rave critical reviews for the book, we will
close with one of the most succinct by Mark Victor Hansen, author of
the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series:
you don't study money, how can you expect to have any? Lower Your Taxes
-- Big Time! will put thousands of dollars in your pocket every year
and teach you, in clear simple steps, how to audit proof you records
from the IRS forever!"
put, and right on target!

Discover the Wealth Protecting
Secrets of the Rich that Most
People Never Know About -- from
a Former IRS Attorney!
More & Order Now.
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