a celebration of its hard-fought victory over the Ottoman Empire, a
group of soldiers from Croatia visited Paris. They were presented as
heroes to Louis XIV, who was known for his love of fashion, and they
happened to be wearing brightly colored handkerchiefs made of silk around
their necks. He loved it, and from that moment on the necktie fetish
took off.
the style reached England. Eventually it escalated to where no "sophisticated"
man considered himself "well-dressed" if he was not wearing
some sort of cloth around his neck. And the more decorated the cloth
was, the better (see the nine neckties below for how far this concept
has come!) Some of these neckties, known as cravats, had adornments
such as:
- Tussled
- Tufts
and bows of ribbon
- Lace
- Embroidered
the men back then were extremely confident.
why have neckties lasted this long?
many times throughout history, fashion historians and sociologists claimed
the popularity of ties would die, as neckties provide absolutely no
function unlike most other garments. But though there has been ebb and
flow over time in their popularity, they have never died. Now, after
a "business casual" work environment that hit an extreme in
the 1990s, it seems they are again increasing in popularity with men.
most prevalent theory on why ties just keep hanging around (couldn't
resist the bad pun) is that, as long as the big-wigs keep wearing ties
as a sign of their wealth and stature, so will the young hopefuls who
follow them.
it looks like neckties are here to stay, therefore, you should be aware
of ...
Necktie Risks and How to Avoid Them
Don't Wear Your Necktie Too Tightly
should refrain from wearing your neckties too tight, as this may result
in serious health problems.
have conducted experiments attempting to prove that too-tight neckties
may increase the risk of glaucoma. Such researchers claim that tight
neckties constrict neck veins and can produce a sudden, mild increase
in eye pressure, resulting in cases of glaucoma. Glaucoma is the leading
cause of blindness in the United States, as it afflicts at least three
million Americans.
raised blood pressures in the eyes can lead to damage to the optic
nerve and loss of vision. This is because such pressure squeezes and
harms the optic nerve, which carries visual signals from the eye to
the brain.
a tight necktie during an exam with the ophthalmologist may also temporarily
raise intraocular pressure, possibly resulting in false readings.
doctor noted, "When I measure someone's intraocular pressure,
I tell patients not to hold their breath because we know that can
cause a (short-term) rise in intraocular pressure. And that could
influence how these levels are read and the decided course of treatment.
Wearing a necktie seems to fall under that same category."
good rule of thumb worth passing along: If you can't get your finger
in between your neck and your collar easily, it's too tight!
Duck and Weave to Avoid Your Doctor's Bacteria-Ridden Necktie
a study, researchers analyzed the neckties of 42 doctors, physician's
assistants and medical students at a hospital. The ties of ten hospital
security guards were also included in the analysis.
was discovered that nearly half -- 47.6 percent -- of the neckties
that belong to the doctors contained germs that can cause illnesses
such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections. Further, the odds
of a doctor wearing a necktie harboring pathogens were eight times
greater than that of security personnel.
before your doc leans over you to inspect your eyes, ears, etc., kindly
ask him to tuck his tie in and to refrain from brushing against you
with it, as it is a likely carrier of bacteria and other germs. Otherwise,
and rather ironically, your doctor could be passing an illness on
to you.
you are a physician or other healthcare worker, meanwhile, "first
do no harm" by:
- Either
not wearing a tie, or making sure you wash it regularly. Or try
bringing the bow tie back into fashion!
- Wash
your hands very often, as touching your tie as many inadvertently
do and then touching others (or your own face) is an easy way to
pass along germs
Don't Jump, Stoop, Twirl or Skip While Wearing a Tie Near Elevators
has probably passed at least once through the mind of any man who
wears a necktie and routinely uses elevators: "What could happen
if my tie got caught in between the elevator doors?"
are two sets of doors on any elevator, of course -- one set that goes
up and down with the elevator, the other set that stays put -- so
what could happen if a tie gets caught in between the doors is not
exactly pretty.
to the report, "Deaths
and Injuries Involving Escalators or Elevators" by Michael
McCann, Ph.D., CIH (The Center to Protect Workers Rights, 3/2004),
accidents involving elevators and escalators kill about 30 people
and injure another 17,000 more yearly in the U.S.
of these injuries and fatalities are from falls (please always look
before you step into an elevator to make sure the elevator is really
there!) A significant portion, though, are from getting parts of the
body trapped in between elevator doors or in the moving parts of escalators.
specific garments associated with the accidents are not cited in the
study, it is quite conceivable that, because ties dangle and flap
more than most other clothes, they are culprits in some of the accidents.
line: Don't let your necktie flap and dangle near any open elevator
doors ... or anywhere else it might get grabbed or snagged. Or at
least wear a tie tack.
Stop Giving Men the Neckties that They Don't Want
Stripes. Solids. Plaids. Enough already!
risk giving him the gift of another boring necktie he has to force
a cheery smile for, but doesn't really want.
have come a long way since the Croatian soldiers wore those handkerchiefs
around their necks back in 1636, and now there are ties to fit any
man's personality and taste. Take, for example, the Elmo necktie you
see below, which is perfect for that rare man who still acts like
a child.
out all of the following "classiest" ties, and click on
any one of them and then scroll down on the page and click "ties"
to see many more. You're sure to find one to fit any man's personality
and bring a smile to his face this holiday season ... just remind
him not to wear it too tightly and to watch for those elevator doors.